Quick interview with photographer Chantelle Gomez

The View magazine hooked up a quicky with Chantelle Gomez, a British photographer who has lived on three continents, and calls Berlin her new home.

TV: Who is Chantelle? Any childhood dreams or passions you like to share?

CG: I’m a bittersweet nomad of sorts, I’m a British portrait photographer born in London but have lived in Ghana, Scotland, Italy, Switzerland and America but am now quite comfy in Berlin. Childhood dreams … at one point I really wanted to be an police driver, just the driving part, then a car designer 😀 Passions … well currently I’ve got a thing for sumo wrestling suits – so much fun!

TV: Any defining moments that made you decide to become a photographer?

CG: I’d just finished studying and was offered a PhD, I wasn’t really that excited about staying at university any longer but obviously the general advice was to do it, so I started, it was to do with photography but shortly after starting I realised I was on the wrong side of what I love.

TV: How would you describe your style?

CG: It’s spontaneous, probably quite clean and slightly random with the odd distorted perspective here and there.

TV: Can you share a bit about your creative workflow?

CG: I think the way I work best is when there is no real plan. I don’t know if it’s laziness but I really enjoy the unexpected, it really inspires me. Of course with commissions there is a plan, a foundation but I love when something breaks through that, I love to go with it. And I suppose it’s quite similar when I’m just out and about taking pictures, it’s definitely an unconscious creative flow – no plan whatsoever – taking pictures of whatever catches my eye and later finding out if it still does.

TV: What can we expect from you in 2015?

CG:Probably more images rotated 90 degrees anti clockwise, I am finishing a few personal projects that need to see the light of day, I have a portrait feature and then hopefully a nice series from South Korea later in the year.

TV: Thanks Chantelle!

CG: Thanks very much The View Magazine!

Check out her website for full portfolio.